
Conrad B (not his real name)

Male Caucasian 49 years presented himself. After initial interview it was  clear: a degenerate gambler. Observations: highly functional psychopath with masochistic traits manifest itself by gambling and losing as a form of self punishment. It may seem and he may feel that act is driven by greed and need to win but it is sadly clear that the pleasure comes from losing. This is to counterbalance his extremely successful professional life (numerous senior leadership positions in Fortune 100 companies and elected to public office - never lost a race). His aura is low, dark-yellow with orange and purple tinges   Proposed Treatment: dietary - add the secret ingredient * and cinnamon to every dish in unusual high dosage. Compensate and repress aura by avoiding color green. Follow Up: in six month     _________________________________________ * the secret ingredient is always nutmeg

Marcel (not his real name)

Caucasian male (38) presented himself. After initial interview it was  clear: obese and gaining weight. Observations: retired rugby player at international level, competitive, motivated, disciplined, structured, impulse driven, not excluding violence as a solution. May have repressed symptoms of concussion. His aura is blue-green-teal shining but not shiny.  Proposed Treatment: teach him a bunch of gibberish disguised as custom designed chant. Instruct to recite twice a day, at certain fixed hours the chant and focus on breathing. Teach subject the Ujjayi form of Pranayama which will induct impulse control and redirect his yearning away from food. Follow Up: six month